Sunday, June 17, 2012

Drinking and Driving: Not a Good Idea

It seems that drunk driving in Orlando Florida causes on a yearly basis thousands of car accidents with many of them involving casualties. Not only will you be the one who'll be in danger when deciding to step behind the wheel after you had a couple of drinks, but the other traffic participants are also at risk. In the majority of cases the victims are innocent people who just happened to be at the time in the wrong place. In the next paragraphs, you will find a few ways through which you can prevent drunk driving in Orlando Florida. For example if you will leave to a party and you know you will consume a lot of alcohol there, have a designated driver. When you will want to leave all you will have to do is call this person and he or she will drive you home safely. This ensures that intoxicated people won't step behind the wheel and thus endanger everyone in the car and in the traffic.

Preventing others from driving under the influence

It's mandatory that if your friends are drunk, to make sure that you will prevent them from trying to drive. If they don't listen to you, then you should take the keys away from them and then call a taxi to drive them home safely. It doesn't matter if they will have a short distance to drive, because driving under the influence is still very dangerous. You could also make people more aware about drunk driving in Orlando Florida and there are special organizations that can help you with that. Just make sure you will check with your community based organization or local authorities to check on the way you can contribute and help individuals by making them more aware of driving under the influence. Maybe you don't have too much time to support these organizations, so in this case you can just make some donations.

Better laws

You can also help out when it comes to drunk driving in Orlando Florida by contacting your federal and state lawmakers and tell them to pass stricter DUI laws. For those who were already convicted for DUI, you should try and convince the authorities to give out more severe punishments, like automatic license revoking and mandatory jail time. You can also easily get your local law enforcement and community involved by stepping up saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints. There are still plenty of states that do not have such points implemented yet, so if you will bring this matter into their attention, this fact can change in the future. Last but not least, you should not serve alcohol (if you're the one hosting the party) to minors under the age of 21. Even in the case of someone supervising the party not being the one responsible for the alcohol, he is still going to be held responsible if someone will bring alcohol on the property. The laws say that even if the person who owns or maybe is in charge of the property doesn't bring the alcohol, he will still be responsible for minors drinking alcohol on his property. By considering all of these things in mind, the number of drunk driving in Orlando Florida cases will decrease a lot.

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