Monday, June 18, 2012

Facing Charges Without An Orlando DUI Attorney

A good Orlando DUI attorney should be the first person you contact if you are facing DUI charges. DUI or driving under the influence is considered a very serious crime in Florida, just as it is across the country. When you are tested, arrested, booked and kept in a police station this is just the beginning of your problems. If you attempt to defend your own case without the help of an attorney and without good knowledge of the law, you are heading for trouble. The penalties faced by convicted DUI offenders are tough to say the least. Not only will you have a permanent criminal record for the rest of your life and lose your driving license, but you will also face other harsh consequences. Even if it is your first offense you will face steep fines, your vehicle being taken away from you, probation, and time in jail and attending mandatory substance abuse courses.

How Can An Orlando DUI Attorney Help You Fight DUI Charges?

There are many ways that an attorney can help defend your case and have your case dropped or charges lessened. It would be very hard with very little knowledge of driving laws to know what to do and when to help your case. Attorneys have the expert training and experience that is necessary. In the first stages, they will help arrange a DMV hearing to help overturn the license suspension that you face. Without their help this would be a much harder task and successful DMV hearings can often lead to the actual court case being dropped. For instance it could be that even if your breathalyzer result did show that you were over the limit. With an attorney's help however, you could still prove to the court that the proper procedure was not followed. This can range from small things like the arresting officer not reading you your Miranda rights fully and correctly or at all at the time of arrest, the breathalyzer had not been properly looked after or a blood sample had not been stored properly. These may sound like little things, but there is a proper structured approach that police officers should ALWAYS follow in order for the evidence to be used in court. Having an experienced Orlando DUI attorney defending your case would be able to help contest such inaccurate evidence. At the arraignment stage of the process they could even help you avoid facing any court time at all.

An Orlando DUI Attorney Could Be A Lifesaver

It is important that you don't take DUI charges lightly, as even a first offense is looked down on by employers, family, friends and the legal system. Having a permanent criminal record could be likened to a facial scar that you are stuck with for life. Even if you learn from your mistakes and do not commit any other offenses, you will still carry that shadow around with you. An attorney knows how to handle a case and will be able to advise you at every stage and will not give up the fight easily. It could be that calling that Orlando DUI attorney is the single most important thing you do in your life.

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